Belgamine Jhungid

Brief Glimpse

Born on a winter's day on the Steppe's Belgamine is one of fourteen children. The only sister to thirteen rowdy brothers and only daughter to her mother. A rambunctious young tot by nature, Belgamine often found herself getting into trouble. Considered the runt of the family, Bel felt she had a lot to prove due to her small stature. Infact, She still feels like she has a lot to prove even now that she's all grown up.History: Born to Ganbold Jhungid and Yesui Jhungid. First girl and last out of all children, Bel was often coddled by both of her parents. Even when she was young the Xaela was one of the smallest known children to make it alive. While her father advocated for leaving her in the cold of the mountains, Yesui Jhungid would have none of it. A happy and healthy childhood occured with relatively no issue up until the childs eight year. Impishness had always run in the young Xaela girls veins as well as disobedience but.. The more she aged? The worse it became. Jhungid's of all tribes warred most with the Kharlu to maintain control of a particular fertile spit of land where they could last the winter.Desperate to prove herself to the father that shunned her, as well as the mother that loved her, Bel took it upon herself to interfere. A nearby Kharlu encampment was her goal to invade and set a stack of supplies on fire. Unfortunate for the little Au Ra, Her mother found out where she had gone and persued her. Bel in the meanwhile had managed to not only bork up her ambush but get herself caught in the process. A resulting bitter spat unfortunately cost the life of her mother after the Kharlu cast stones striking her in the temple. As well as having carved out the young Xaela's eye to teach her a lesson when messing with others.Broken and bleeding, Bel returned to her tribe only to be shunned by her father and exiled for disobedience.. As well as costing him the light of his life. From there, Bel made her way to the Ruby sea and Onokoro as well as the lands beyond. A ship bound for foreign lands is where the Xaela girl eventually ended up.. Most of her younger days spent scrounging around the country side and bumming around caravans until she eventually ended up a street rat in Limsa Lominsa. From there, The girl made a name for herself.. Forging business connections at a very young age and saving every bit of coin with aims to make something of herself.. So that she might one day return to the Steppe and regain her place in her tribe.Beneath it all:
Belgamine is a Black Market Arms Dealer and Information Broker. The shops are simply a front so if you need criminal misdeeds? You're in the right place. With an odd twist, Belgamine is also a criminal with the goal of helping people less fortunate than her. Crime for a good reason. See plot hooks for your in.

Physical/Mental attributes:

Physical attributes: Scar over her right eye. Beast and other bite marks on her shoulders. A deep divot where a rib was collapsed beneath her right breast. Depending on the day, She will either wear an eye patch to cover her missing eye or choose to wear an magitek manufactured eye to see normally. WARNING: This eye can be used to see Aether.Chosen Class: Astrologian/Dark Knight.Age: 28
Height: 4'9"
Weight: 135lbs.
Personality: Loud yet friendly. Happy go lucky and often care free. Cheerful and bawdy. Slightly mischevious and even impish.
Sexual Orientation: Bi-curious. (Heavy male lean)
Relationship status: Taken. ( Open Poly )
Languages: Hingan, Xaelic, Common, Xaelic and Eorzean Sign Language.
Talents: Weaving/ Singing/ Pianist.Shop names:
Kugane Branch: Rising Phoenix. (Fine Silks and Fabrics)
Ul'dah Branch: Sultana's Grace. (Fine Silks and Fabrics)

Currently Seeking/Plot hooks:

Plot hooks:Rumor says that there is a woman around Kugane and Ul'dah that can procure anything. As long as the price is right. Even things from the rare and elusive Garlean territory (Criminal based)Looking for fine clothing? Elaborate silks and possibly even gold and jewelry? A place down the road seems to be consistently highly spoken of. Is it the Rising Phoenix.. or was it Sultana's Grace...(Legal/Merchant option)You just so happened to stumble across perhaps the smallest Xaela you've ever seen dancing on stage. A wink cast your way as she launched into conversation. Talk about your day led into drinks. And now you want to get to know the tiny woman. (Casual Conversation/Drinks)You want to FIGHT.. And you heard that this place called the Golden Gauntlet is just about to open.. And you want to test your mettle against one of it's fighters. A small well armored Xaela walks up to you with a grin. 'Ye wonny fite? Let's rumble..' (Combat)You're a scholar and the most horrendous sounding Xaela approaches. She talks like a sailor but the more you talk... The more it becomes apparent that there is a deeply intelligent individual behind a harder facade. (Scholarly/Philosophical)Currently seeking:Long term story roleplay.
Tavern esque-roleplay.
Adventure roleplay.
Grimdark friendly.
Mature Themes.
PVE content. (EX/Raids/Treasure hunting. Mid-tier hardcore)
Rp Experience: 23 years roleplay experience. High fantasy pref. Longterm>Short term.Rp post length: Para+ (Strong pref for multi) Detail is <3
Walk up/Tell friendly!
Sometimes my internet hates me! This is not me just dcing to end rp!

Extra Details/Theme: